Saturday, 22 May 2010

Won't Be Around So Much

I'm not going to be a good blogger over the next 8 week - be warned!  My dearly beloved and I are moving back to Scotland permanently in mid July.  No reason other than we've been in Spain for 5 years and we've now had enough.  George is tiring of all the travelling (here for 7 days, there for 7 days!) and I'm tiring of being on my own so much, plus, I miss my family and friends back home more than ever.  It's been a wonderful experience and something we will never regret doing.  How lucky we've been, a dream turned into reality.

As you can imagine I've loads of packing to do, not to mention three lots of visitors to fit in before July!  I've scheduled as many DT cards as I've been able to complete given the subjects from the various challenges - I just hope they work.  I will be checking in now and again and posting if I have time.  TTFN xx


Beryl said...

We'll miss online Anne. Hope the move goes well. You'll have lots of lovely memories of your time in Spain and I understand about missing your family.
Beryl xx

Doreen said...

Yes Anne we will miss you. just take care and hurry up