Tuesday, 4 September 2012

A Big Decision

I've decided to give up crafting.  It has become a chore rather than a pleasure and I just can't work up any enthusiasm any more even when I have such wonderful blogging friends and so much beautiful inspiration around me.

I am in the process of photographing all my zillions of stuff which will be put on ebay when I've got everything organised.  

It has been an honour and pleasure being part of the crafting scene and I will hopefully keep in touch with many of my cyber friends.

I'll keep you posted when my stuff goes onto ebay in case there's anything that might tempt you!!!

Big hugs to all
Anne xx


Elizabeth said...

Hello Anne, I'm sorry to read of your decision but I can quite understand that if you are no longer enthusiastic about it then perhaps it's time to move on. I wish you good luck for the future and, you never know, your enthusiasm for crafting may return one day. Hugs, Elizabeth xx

Sarah said...

That's such a shame Anne! I know sometimes crafting can be a bit like that! Stay in touch on the blogs though it would be a pity to loose touch with the friends you've made. I will take a look at your Ebay listings when they are up and running.

Sarah x

Unknown said...

Hi Anne,
so sad to hear this hunni. It has been an honour and a pleasure for me to be on the OLL DT with you and thank you for giving me the opportunity in the first place. I hope that both you and Mr C are very happy and that you will indeed keep in touch.
big squishy hugs
Dawn xx

Doreen said...

Oh Anne I will miss you...You were one of my first followers.xxx

Jules said...

Oh Anne!!!!

Shock horror!!!

Why not just have a good old break and re-charge your batteries? You mind find that is all you need.

It would be such a shame to part with all your goodies if a little further down the line you fancy having a little crafty play again.

But certainly crafting shouldn't be a chore!

Love and cyber hugs

Jules xx

Claire said...

OMG Anne! That is such a big decision ..... are you totally sure this is really what you want to do? Wouldn't a break be better for a few months and then if you are still sure, sell your crafting goodies. It is such a shame, but if your mind is definitely made up, then you will be missed and so will your lovely creations. Hugs, Claire x

sue w. said...

Hi Anne, so sorry to hear you're not continuing to craft hun but if it's not giving you any pleasure then it's the right thing to do. I will miss visiting you and joining you with the Christmas club challenges but I'm so glad to have met you in blogland and it's always easy to return if you want to. Take care, look after yourself and be happy.
Big Hugs Sue W.

McCrafty's Cards said...

Hi Anne, I am so sorry to read this, you have been a great inspiration to me and I will miss you dearly, I hope you will keep you blog and maybe post your adventures so that we can all keep in touch with you. Big Hug.
Kevin xx

Sandra H said...

Oh Anne, It's not going to be the same without you popping in to blogland l'm sorry to hear your giving it up can we not tempt you to stay?!! just a thought you could sell some of your crafting items on your blog you'll be surprised at how many might well sell please keep in touch it would be lovely if you did but it would be even nicer if you was able to not shut shop but it's only you that can decide on this ......take care:) xx

Beryl said...

I'm sorry to hear this Anne and you will be missed in blogland - but when something has run it's course -there's no point in keeping on at it if the pleasure isn't there. I'm sure there are many more things that you want to do in your life and I hope you have lots of fun doing them.
Love and hugs
Beryl xx

pinky said...

Sob sob sob, I don't want you to go Anne. I love reading about your life, love looking at your gorgeous cards and will always treasure your friendship. Will you stay now:) Please keep in touch, sounds like lots of people are going to miss you.
Big hugs

Pami said...

Hi Anne

I have just seen your post. This is very sad news and I echo everyone else's comments. But you have to do what is right for you, and who knows you may come back to it one day!

Lots of love and hugs
Pami x

Janet said...

I understand totally. I devoted my life to knitting, machine knitting and design. I farm now! I don't regret it. I started to make cards as an artistic outlet, I am sick of card making now and want to do something else. I am not surprised you want something else.

Janet xx

Clare said...

I'm so sad Anne as you are such a talented and inspirational lady. I think we all get time when we could just give up but I am guessing this hasn't been a decision you have taken lightly. You will be so missed and hope that one day you may come back with a vengence!!!. I have saved your EBAY link to get daily reminders and have bid already on a stamp. Big hugs darlin, love Clare xxx

Kath Stewart said...

Hi Anne...so sorry to hear that you are giving up crafting but you know what's best for you...sending hugs kath xxx

Unknown said...

So sorry to hear this- a big thanks for the inspiration you have been to others crafting. The Feline Playful team play a huge role in our community- without the blog getting me inspired I'd have given up on the crafting. I hope you find something enjoyable to replace it with- photography maybe!!